Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He First Loved us!

God’s Peace!

Dear Readers around the world. (this blog is written especially for all the friends, associates and fellow laborers in the Lord’s vineyard of the Foreign Mission abroad) Anyone else who runs across this blog are most welcome to read it as well.

This week I must tell you about a little child that came to our mission seminar in South Carolina. When she was asked why she came, she said “because I love Jesus.” How can it be said better than that? Is this not why we come to church? Is this not why we minister in His Kingdom? Is this not why many of you risk your lives for the Gospel?

Scripture tells us in 1John 4:19 (KJV) We love him, because he first loved us. We could not love Him, unless He first loved us. This is the way it is for believers today. He came to earth as a lowly babe so all can approach and come to him. He lived as a man here on earth so that He could know what we go through and are tempted with. He fulfilled all in our behalf, yet without sin. He went to the cross and gave up His life. There he bore our sorrows, paid for our sin, laid down His life. He was there alone. Our sins were nailed to the cross with him. He could have called 10,000 angels to destroy the world and save His life, but no, He died alone for you and me! This is how much he loved us.

Then on the third day, after winning the battle over death, hell and the power of the devil, our Lord Arose! He lives so we can have life and have it more abundantly. He then fulfilled another promise, He sent the comforter, the Holy Ghost to dwell in our hearts. This is how much he first loved us! This is why we are able to love him! This is why the believers today can have the peace and joy that passeth all understanding. Philip. 4:7 (KJV)
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The best news of all for those that love Jesus is that one day He will come to call His own to be with Him in heaven! Luke 21:27 (KJV) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
We shall see Him, and go to be with Him forever in Heaven above!

This is why this little girl and all true believers today can say that they love Jesus! Because He first loved us! This I know for the Bible tells me so!

May the Lord Bless your week!

John Ruotsala

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