Friday, January 14, 2011

The Weekly Diner

…….yet in my flesh shall I see God: Job 19:26

Dear Weekly Readers!

God’s Peace!

The words above from Job give us food for thought! Before we go into that however, I just want to ask for your prayers as again I am leaving on a Foreign Mission trip. On Monday the 17th, Lord willing, we will be departing from Boston, bound for The Philippines. From there it is on to other destinations, with the total trip taking a full month and involves travel all around the entire world.

I know that this kind of trip is not possible without the guiding hand of our Father in Heaven. Therefore, your prayers are desired very much!
The time will be very much filled with church services, so The Weekly Diner may not get published some weeks. If I do get articles sent to me that area written by others, I may be able to post them, but we will see. Lord willing, we will be back to our regular schedule at the end of February.

…….yet in my flesh shall I see God: Job 19:26

In the New Testament in Hebrews 2:9 it says, But we see Jesus….We know that the redeemed of the Lord will go to heaven for all eternity. We know from scriptures that there is much beauty in heaven. The streets are paved with gold; the gates are of pearls and precious stones. Heaven consists of so much beauty that we cannot even imagine the extent of it all.

What does Job say? He shall see God! What a wonderful thought. It is not the beauty of the physical attributes of heaven that will be so exciting. It is the joy and wonderment that will fill us when we see God! There is nothing that could ever compare to seeing our Lord in Heaven. It is His light that will keep everything bright and beautiful.

Imagine seeing our Father God face to face! In this life and in this flesh, we cannot do so. Our bodies even could not hold up to such magnificence. However, in heaven when we do not have this fleshly portion, it will be in such joy, wonder, and amazement that we will never tire, seeing our Lord will never grow old. This is the real beauty of heaven!

But we see Jesus… In this life, there are many trials, troubles, sins, temptations…. But we (the saved ones) see Jesus! We no longer have to look upon the waves of trouble around us. When we are tempted we can look to Jesus! We see Him!
Oh what a Joy it is to see Jesus. It is by the eyes of faith that we are able to see Jesus now! We know and can attest to the fact that He has saved us from our sins. He suffered, bled, and died for me! Not only for the next person, it was for me He died! He died for every person that ever lived or will live.

Through His death on the cross, His victory over death, hell, and the power of the devil, and by His Glorious resurrection, He has won victory and He is alive; therefore we can LIVE! We see Jesus.. It is because we see Jesus, and it is only through faith in Him, that we can then get to see God one day! That is to see Him in this glorious, wonderful way!

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.It is only through Jesus, knowing Him and seeing Him, that we can then have a living hope to see our Father in Heaven.

Do you know Jesus today? Do you see Jesus? Can you say with total faith and confidence that because of Jesus, you will see God in heaven?
God loves you. Jesus died for you! See and Ye Shall find! Our Lord has so promised!
May God Bless your week!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Weekly Diner

Dear Weekly Reader!

God’s Peace be with you all!

I hope and trust that you all had a very Blessed Christmas season, and you have been encouraged by God’s Word during this time! This is a very special time of year!

Let us all lay hold by faith to the words of the Angels when they proclaimed, fear not! May God grant us the peace that passes all understanding. May Christ Jesus live in our hearts, giving us this peace, joy, and gladness that is only available to those that have come to the manger and dined! Those that have come to partake of all that Jesus did through his humble birth, life, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension! Jesus is the only true Peace! Let’s partake of him and share of His peace!

Well, we have come to the last Weekly Diner of the year! It is always amazing to me how fast time goes by. It seems like a year just gets started, and all of a sudden it is the year end and a new year is upon us.

In reflecting on the past year, and looking forward to the New Year, (if the Lord allows a new year!), many scripture verses come to mind. I would like to share some scriptures with you that may be fitting for this sort of reflection.

Luke 11: 3 Give us day by day our daily bread. As we know this scripture is from the prayer that Jesus taught us, the Lord’s Prayer as we call it. As men, we often struggle in this area I believe, at least I do. We must remember that our daily bread is provided by and comes from our Father in heaven. How many times in the last year have we wondered where our provisions are going to come from? We ought not to worry, as that will not help at all! We must always remember that the Lord is the provider of all of our needs. Our food, home, clothing, water, and everything else come from the Lord!

Should we then be lazy, sit back, and let the Lord provide? God forbid. His word says in
2 Corinth 9: 6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.It also says in Genesis 3: 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Let us be faithful to our Lord, and work hard at whatever task we have before us. It is up to us to work hard! Do not expect to reap more than you have sown. Also, we must sow good deeds, sow to the Spirit as we read in the following verses.

Galations 6: 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

The corruption of our flesh as fallen mankind, leads us to expect that we can sow to the flesh, and yet receive the full blessings of God. What a shame if we allow the devil to convince us that this is so. We MUST sow to the Spirit, in order to reap of the Spirit everlasting life.

Do not weary dear Christian of sowing the good seeds of faith. Do not weary this coming year, dear Pastor of preaching the Word. Do not weary of sowing the seed very liberally in your area.

Dear Christian, do not weary of doing those good deeds for your neighbors. Do not weary of your daily chores. Do not weary of going to church, of lending a helping hand, of comforting the sick. There is so much to do that is good, so let us sow of the Spirit, which will then reap unto life everlasting.

Dear unbelieving reader. Do not forget, that as you go about sowing to your flesh, your rewards are going to be corruption. Even if for a short time you are awarded the benefits of earthly possessions, these are only borrowed to you. They are only very short term possessions. It is time to repent of your sins and unbelief. Today is the day of grace. We do not have a promise of tomorrow, or the New Year. Begin to seek the Lord today! If you earnestly seek him, look at what the promise in God’s Word is! Luke 11: 9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Dear unbelieving reader, if not yet begun to truly seek, pray that the Lord give you the grace and strength to begin to seek Him today!

Dear truly believing readers, today and in the coming New Year, enjoy the peace, joy, and rest that you have found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Matt.11:29….. ye shall find rest unto your souls.
May the Lord Bless your week and New Year!