Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Weekly Diner - We are to Pray and Not Worry
Dear Weekly Readers!

God’s Peace! 

Have you ever desired that your church would have more people in it?  Well, I have noticed that is so many churches around the world, the young men stop coming to church and do not return.  Hence the churches are mostly women and children.   This is so sad.  Therefore I am publishing this article by Pastor Rod about training up children!  

May God Bless your week!   John R. 

ANNUALLY, IN JUNE, WE AS a nation celebrate Father's Day and in our congregation we conduct the rite of confirmation for our youth. Both of these traditions are significant blessings which we share with one another in families and in the fellowship of the Church. Both are an important part of bringing up children in the training and admonition of the Lord.

As fathers, we have a tremendous responsibility to the children that the Lord has given us. We not only have the duty of providing for their physical needs such as food and clothing, but more so the guidance and instruction that is vital that they may live godly lives and serve both God and
their fellow man. It is said, "A lesson is not really taught until it is learned!" This requires a continual process of teaching and re-teaching the Word of the Lord, values, character, discipline, responsibility and a host of other things. It can sometimes be a difficult and tiring thing for which we need to remember that it is written in the Word of the Lord, Be not weary in well doing. (2 Thessalonians 3:13)
The requirement of "not provoking your children to wrath" requires patient, fair, consistent discipline administered in love. This goes along with frequent expressions in word and deed of love for one's children, filled with praise and encouragement. Also along with this, an example of godliness must be set, as the psalmist has written, I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way... I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. (Psalm 101:2)

When a parent spends time (both quantity and quality time) with their children, it pays great rewards. Recently, a father told me of his child coming to him and saying, "I am proud of you, Dad. You got up early to help me with my homework and I appreciated that!" When this kind of thing happens, everyone feels good about it, and it binds hearts and lives together. My response was, "It doesn't get any better than that!" And it truly doesn't. For this is what this article is all about: our relationships with one another and with God in the fellowship of His people.

When the Church undertakes the responsibility to train up the young in the way of the Lord, a foundation of knowledge is laid. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105) The purpose is to teach children the way of salvation, and also to set the wisdom of God's truth before them as a guide for their lives.

Our confirmation camp program provides the opportunity for our confirmands to hear the word of instruction from several pastors, and get acquainted with them in an informal setting, along with developing friendships with other young people. All of these have proven effective in equipping the saints, preparing them for their witness in life as ones who worship and faithfully serve the Lord. ~ 

Pastor Rod Johnson

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