Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Come ye to the waters!

Dear Weekly Readers!

The prayers of the Christians in the USA are with you again this week!
It is so wonderful that when we read God’s Word and we see very clearly see that there will be people in Heaven from…….. all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hands; Revelations 7:9

What a day that will be when our Saviour we see in that beautiful city of gold!

Today let us look into the Old Testament. We will look at just a few short parts of Isaiah 55. Isaiah was such a wonderful writer and such a great prophet.

Leading up to this chapter 55 in Isaiah, The 53rd chapter is very much a prophecy of Jesus that was to come when it says the He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief ..V3…… Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; V4 and so forth.

The 54th chapter is promises for the children of Israel, God’s children. V 14 Says in righteousness shalt thou be established; etc.

The 55th chapter is Gospel (Christ) and an evangelistic chapter. The whole Bible ties together so wonderfully, and Isaiah is surely no exception.

This chapter begins with the word HO! In other words, pay attention, listen carefully! In our country we might say, hey! Listen! Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.. Do you find yourself thirsty for God’s word?

Do you find yourself in need of God’s word and what Jesus has to offer? If so, the good news is you have a very blessed invitation! COME! COME ye to the waters! Come and drink!

What and where are the waters found? In John 7: v 37 & 38 Jesus said. If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Now we know where to find the living water! By believing in Christ Jesus by faith, we come to the water! Come without money and without price.
There is nothing that we pay, nothing we must accomplish in order to merit salvation. There is no amount of work that we can do, no amount of religious penance that we can pay, no amount of making pilgrimages to certain religious sites that will help us to be redeemed!

The living water is without price because it is so valuable that it is priceless. There is no price high enough that would begin to approach what salvation through Jesus Christ is worth! This is truly the pearl of great price, this salvation through Jesus Christ.

This living water, which is the Holy Spirit, (John 7:39) that is ever flowing for the believer!

Notice that is says if you have no money come, buy and eat. How can we buy without money? In our life here on earth that seems impossible. If we buy, we must have money. Here it says, buy without money. We must remember that our redemption has already been paid for by Jesus Christ suffering and shedding His precious blood for us. It is Finished, Jesus cried from the cross! The price has been paid in full! It is free for the thirsty sinner, but it was a very expensive price that was paid by Jesus.

How great love the Father has shown unto us when He sent His only Son to die for us sinners! He sent His only Son to die so we can live! What a great price was paid! Now this is offered to everyone that thirsts!

Come! Come! Come to Jesus while He is near. We wants to give Life and Life more abundantly!

Verse 3 says, Incline your ear and come unto me: Do not come to show your face, come to listen. Come to hear! So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
What a wonderful promise of grace fulfilled if we are thirsty, we come to the waters (Jesus), we incline our ear (listen), and we hear! Then v 3 says, and your soul shall live!

Could there be a more clear and simple gospel message written? And to think this was written hundreds of years before Christ! What a good, merciful and loving God we have that would love his people so much as to allow these glimpses of His love and plan! Long before Jesus came, as well as now to us so many years after His work on the cross has been completed, Jesus is calling Come!

Dear Sinner, and we are all sinners, gone like sheep to our own way. If you are thirsty today, what a blessing this truly is! If we come, listen, hear, seek, then His promises for us are so true! Matthew 7:7 …see, and ye shall find…

Verse 12 of this ch 55 of Isaiah explains the real life application and results of the promise and reality made to all those that are obedient to the call! For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace;

Believe today dear reader, in the wonderful saving work of Jesus Christ!

May God Bless your week!
John R.

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