To: Pastors, Church Leaders, and other readers around the world!
From: John Ruotsala, “Your Foreign Mission Administrator”
Please let me know if it would be helpful to have this in your language, as I am able to translate it into several languages
From: John Ruotsala, “Your Foreign Mission Administrator”
Please let me know if it would be helpful to have this in your language, as I am able to translate it into several languages
God’s Peace!

That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. John 1:9 (KJV) Jesus is that light! Some men have neglected the Light and rejected it. The light has gone out! Oh that it could be rekindled, and re ignited in the hearts of men! Thank the Lord that the day of Grace is still with us, and we pray that this Light will shine brightly so that men will be drawn unto Him, Jesus Christ our Savior!
This month our nation celebrates the Thanksgiving Holiday. Each year on a certain day, (the 4th Thursday every November), we stop and give the Lord thanks for all He gives, IS, and allows us to be! The message below reflects this!
Our message today will be by Pastor Rod Johnson of Laurium, Michigan, USA.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Annually as a nation we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. The importance of this holiday cannot be overestimated. We as humans, because of our sin nature, seem to spend more time and energy dealing with the negative aspects of life. Complaining about the government, the ‘next-door-neighbor’, the lack of money, too many bills, our ill health, we have, our spouse’s shortcomings, and on and on it goes…
We somehow think that everything should always ‘come-up-roses’ for us and that troubles should always flee away. However, the reality of life is that which Job experienced, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. Job 14:1. When we keep this in mind, we will be joyful when we have good days and thank God for them. People who have been in bondage, either spiritual or physical, rejoice in their freedom. Those who do not have enough to eat rejoice in having food to eat regardless of the quality of it. Those who are seriously ill rejoice when they feel well again.
Above all if we are burdened with the guilt of sin, we rejoice in the blessed assurance of the forgiveness of sins, thanking God for our Savior Jesus Christ our Redeemer. It is a simple thing to say “Thank You” for a blessing of some sort, whether a gift from man or a gift from God. However, a true sense of gratitude is more that a momentary giving thanks. Giving thanks is more than a quick prayer or word of grace before meals. It is an overall continual _expression in life of praising God for His mercy, love and grace. When we so live, our attitude in life and is a blessing to others, thereby serving both them and God!
Gratitude is: A moment-by-moment heartfelt gratitude to God for life and all that it contains. It is an appreciation of life in body and soul, the gift of God in Christ Jesus of the forgiveness of sins, the gift of faith to believe it, and the promise of eternal life. Therefore it is written, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” The emphasis here is “In every thing” and “in Christ Jesus”, whether we consider it good of bad. Knowing the Hand of God is upon us and that His promise is that “All things work together for good to those who love God”! How could it be wrong? This is what FAITH accomplishes in us and why the Lord teaches us to be grateful and GIVE HIM THANKS!
Serving the Lord with Thanksgiving,
Thanking Him for Jesus,
In the Peace of the Lord,
Pastor Rod
May God Truly Bless Your day and week!
In Christ, John Ruotsala
Your Foreign Mission Administrator (Please see below also)
Business Section: Starting soon! Additional sermons on Skype!
Please provide me with a cell phone number that can be used for these sermons. Also, please let me know the best time of the month to have your special service. We will try our best to have services at least one time per month for all parties interested, as long as the technology works and the funding is sufficient.
Also, if you would like to get on our mailing list for our Christian Monthly, please provide me with your physical address. I could also give you the website where you could read it at. You can get to it also through our website, Feel free to visit here often as well.
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